
Riyria Fantasy Novel: Disappearance of Winter's Daughter

Created by Michael J. Sullivan

The latest Royce and Hadrian novel: The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter will be in stores on October 5th, 2018. But early supporters can get copies of the book as early as December 15th, 2017 by buying direct from the author.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

How far will it go? Make your prediction and win.
about 7 years ago – Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 09:35:35 AM

Hey all, Robin here. I've been watching the Kickstarter and am thrilled with the results we've achieved in just a few days. We are 127 hours into the Kickstarter and have already raised more than $56,000! Considering how well The Death of Dulgath Kickstarter went, I'm, of course, interested in whether this one will surpass it. To do so will be a tall order since it's running for fewer days, but, then again, it started out much stronger.

Anyway, it got me thinking about my final guess as to the number of backers and the final amount raised, and I thought it would be fun to do a little contest and have others join in.  So here's the deal. We'll give a limited edition of The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter to two people:

  • The one who guesses the total number of backers the closest
  • The one who guesses the final amount the closest.
Now, you DO NOT have to be a backer to participate in this contest, and if you're a winner and already have a limited edition, we'll give you the choice of receiving a second one (to give as a friend) or give you a credit back on your pledge that is equal to the value of the book ($50).  Sound like fun?

Here's some data I've collected so far to help with your guesses. First, the amount of funding we've seen so far (plotted over the number of hours of the Kickstarter.

 And here is he same data for the # of backers.

 And here is the link where you can add your guesses.

Now, of course, the closer to the end of the contest, the easier it will be to guess, so we'll stop taking guesses on the 17th. Also, you can put in multiple guesses. If you put in more than one in a day, we'll take the lastest one as your official   guess.

I think this will be a lot of fun. So put on your thinking cap, look at the data, and make your best guess as to where we'll end up. If you're smart, you'll get a free book!

New Stretch Goal, and New Ranking level reached
about 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 09:16:10 AM

Hey all, I almost forgot to do a post! Well let's update you on what's going on.

  • Covers are done, we're just giving them a final check and they'll probably be posted in the next update
  • I'm reading the book for the final time. Finding a few very little nits here and there, but they are easily corrected.
  • Robin still has a few chapters to go over for the copyeditor merge. But should be done today. She's keeping ahead of my reading.
  • We are now the 10th most funded US fiction project of all time!  The next leg up will be a tough one - $8,000. we'll see what happens.
  • We are now the 7th most backed US fiction project of all time! - Starting to get close to Death of Dulgath which is at #2.  Next rung up there is only 2 backers away!! So I think we'll be able to hit that one ;-)
  • Robin added a new stretch goal - this one is for's a copy of the Jester in both short-story and digital comic formats. There is a link so you can see see the artwork - it's very well done.

And I thin that's all for now. We're only $2,000 away from the stretch goal for book marks so I think that'll happen. The next stretch goal (after the Jester) will be for t-shirts...but Robin has to make a poll as you all will have to vote on which shirt you want.

As always, thanks for your support.

A new streatch goal and continued movement in the most-backed and highest-funded rankings
about 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 03:20:53 PM

The Kickstarter continues going at a strong pace. Here's what's going on.

  • Another tick up on the most-backed US Fiction projects (from 10 to 9), and a whole 2 spots higher on the highest-funded rung (from 15 to 13).
  • We are now just $3 away from the second stretch goal, so I added a new one. This one is for a custom designed bookmark to match the printed books. Anyone receiving a physical package will get one if we reach $60,000.
These are the times when Kickstarter's usually start to slow down, but this one is till going strong, thanks to your continued support!