
Riyria Fantasy Novel: Disappearance of Winter's Daughter

Created by Michael J. Sullivan

The latest Royce and Hadrian novel: The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter will be in stores on October 5th, 2018. But early supporters can get copies of the book as early as December 15th, 2017 by buying direct from the author.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Live-streaming AMA starts in about an 12 minutes
over 6 years ago – Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 03:33:00 AM

Come on over and say hello, or ask a question. We'd love to hear from people as we wind down the Kickstarter.

2nd most-backed fiction project of all time - Worldwide!
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 10:28:23 PM

Well we did it.  There was one international project that had 1,886 backers which kept us at #2 in the US, but now that we topped 1,900 backers we're now officially the 2nd most-backed fiction Kickstarter of all time anywhere in the world!  I highly doubt we'll reach #1, but who knows. It's possible. We need another 275 backers in the next 3 days and we did get 308 backers over the last three days, so maybe. We are holding steady at the 6th most-funded worldwide, I think we can increase that by at least one more spot before the project is over.

We're also getting really close to posters add-ons.  For people who are thinking about posters and want to add them to your pledge. They will be $10 each + shipping. I have to weigh them to be sure but my best guess is shipping will be $3 US, $9 Canada, and $13 overseas. That is a guess, I need to put them in a tube and weigh them...which I have back at the Fairfax house, but not hear in the Valley. But I'll have Sarah get me weights and I'll update the add-ons once I know what they will be.

We have only three days left, and surpassed the Death of Dulgath Kickstarter which ran for 43 days and this one has only run for 19 days so far. Thanks again all for your support.

59 hours to stream AMA planned
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 05:38:39 PM

Hey all, well we are certainly in the final stages of the Kickstarter. You've done some amazing things!

  • 1,930+ backers - the 2nd most-backed Worldwide Fiction project of all-time
  • $75,400+ raised - that's the 5th most-funded Worldwide Fiction project of all time
  • 6 stretch goals unlocked: That's adding (a) a searchable glossary (b) backer names added to the ebook version (c) bookmarks for all people with physical rewards (d) Digital version of The Jester comic for all backers (e) The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter screen saves (f) posters available for add-on purchase

A few other things I'd like to mention.  First, we are going to do an AMA starting an hour before the Kickstarter ends and through the final bell. Robin and I will be live streaming and answering your questions. So join in to celebrate the Kickstarter and...well...ask us anything.  Here's a link to the live stream.

I've updated the additional items chart to include the posters and I've also added a discounted ebook for Hollow World (a request from a backer). 

In other news...we are back from the recording in New York. We were there for five of six sessions, so heard almost the whole book. You're in for a real treat. Tim has done an amazing job.

The files went to the printer last week, but we are still waiting on the proofs. Assuming they come back without problem, we'll roll the presses, but if past experience is any indication, there will probably be a change or two but we're getting close.

Robin is working on the ebook version of the book. The final version needs all of the backer's names, so that will be a while yet..we have to get survey questions back for that. But I see no reason why you can't get a version of the ebook for reading, asap. So we'll be making a version available for those who want to read it right away.  

Oh, and I keep forgetting to do a final cover reveal.  Will do that in the next update. Hope some of you 

Lots of updates...
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 12:22:26 PM

Just on week left! Well, things have been busy here, which accounts for the reason there hasn't been a recent update. So let's fill you in on what's going on.

  • Robin and I arrived in New York on Sunday, and we've been sitting in on the recording of the audio book for The Disappearance of WInter's Daughter. Tim, of course, is doing an excellent job, and we can't wait until you hear the tale told by him. 
  • The books have been sent to the printer. They're not quite on the press yet, we are waiting for the final proofs. But they are close, thanks again for making the hardcovers possible!
  • T-shirts are now available as an add-on. The poll is over and the Rose and Thorn T-shorts have won out. See the "Additional Items" section for pricing. If your reward has a physical book, the shipping with a t-shirt will more than likely be priced higher than it should be,  but no worries, we'll refund the difference once your package is weighed and shipped.
  • We're only $673 away from hitting our next stretch goal, and we've added three more including: screen saveers with Marc's artwork, a "making-of behind the scenes book, and posters as an add-on. Which are a pain to ship, but if we reach the goal, it'll be worth it do them.

Here is what the t-shirt will look like. If you click on it, you'll see a higher-resolution of the design.

If you aren't sure what size to order, here is a chart that will help you choose the best size.. 

Well' that's  it for now. We were on a short break, and we are starting up the next session (on Chapter 18 out of 28.  Enjoying our time here, but also looking forward to getting home.


Help pick the design for t-shirts
almost 7 years ago – Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 03:40:27 AM

T-shirts are one of the most popular add-on products, but they can be difficult to fulfill. For the last Kickstarter we had

  • Three designs
  • Multiple colors
  • Three styles (mens, womens, unisex)
  • Multiple sizes 
This resulted in 91 unique SKUS and a NIGHTMARE for Robin when it came to shipping. We learned a lot and if we do add t-shirts for this Kickstarter we have to simplify things by making one design, a single color, and we aren't sure if we'll do two styles or just one. What we need, is for the backers to help us decide on what t-shirts will be produced. 

Here are the choice (click on the image to see high-resolution versions of the design.


Click here to vote on a poll to pick your choice.

NOTE: One thing I should say, although it shouldn't be necessary. If you aren't planning on purchasing a t-shirt, don't vote. Let's have the people who WILL be getting them decide on the final choices.