
Riyria Fantasy Novel: Disappearance of Winter's Daughter

Created by Michael J. Sullivan

The latest Royce and Hadrian novel: The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter will be in stores on October 5th, 2018. But early supporters can get copies of the book as early as December 15th, 2017 by buying direct from the author.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Day to check and update your add-ons
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 08:06:21 PM

Hey all, things are moving right along. The t-shirts and books are being printed, the bookmarks are in, and I'm building my list of required packing materials. Now all I need is for a finalization of names for the ebook, which brings me to today's topic: Lock down.

Tomorrow I'll be locking people's records and charging the credit cards for things that have been added to your carts. So please check your add-ons to make sure you have everything you need. In particular, make sure you have the audiobook added if you were planning on getting that. This is important because I have to know how many codes we need to buy from

After lock-down you won't be able to change your carts but you WILL be able to update your mailing addresses if you need to.  When we lockdown I'll start shipping the posters (so those are out of the way before shirts start arriving. Also, there are a few people who have shirts that came from the last Kickstarter but no books or shirts from this Kickstarter, and I'll start sending them out as well.  That way the runway will be clear.  

As soon as the records are locked down I'll start making the final ebook - we came up with 4 typos and 1 formatting error in the version we released (which is still pretty good).  Also...once I have the names organized I'll be posting them for a few days so people can check their spelling and what not before we make the final version of the book - so keep your eyes open for that.

Oh, and in case you missed it, we are only $932 away from breaking $100,000. So if you know anyone who was lamenting that the Kickstarter was over, remind them they can still participate from the BackerKit Pre-order Page.

Not sure if posting this will jinx things or not
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 02:23:52 PM

Hey all, Robin again, a reminder that in just a few days we are going to be locking your records, so please make sure you have your add-ons the way you want them. After we go to lockdown, you won't be able to make any changes (except to mailing addresses).

Also, my continued plea is being sent to the last 51 people to get your surveys finished! If you don't answer them by lockdown, then your names won't be added to the ebook, as I'll be making the final version once we are locked down.

And now for the jinx part. A number of people who missed the Kickstarter have been pre-ordering through Backer Kit or through our buy-direct online pre-order pageand thanks to these late backers, we are now at $98,563 dollars raised. That's just $1,437 shy of $100,000!  I'm wondering if we'll be able to reach six figures before the project is over and it just may be possible. So, if you have friends or loved ones that missed out on the Kickstarter but would like to get the book in December rather than waiting until June. Please share the above links with them. If enough people keep coming in - we just may reach that final high-water mark.

Get The Death of Dulgath ebook for free!
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 12:41:02 PM


From now until the 16th, I'm giving away copies of The Death of Dulgath absolutely free! So, if you've not read the book that comes directly before The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter, you can get it without spending a dime. And, if you've already added this book to your BackerKit cart, you can remove it and save yourself $5. 

There are two ways to get this ebook.

  • From to read on your Kindle or Kindle apps. Buying from this link also gives you the added benefit of being able to get the audiobook for just $1.99. That's a steal if ever there was one.
  • For people who read their ebooks on something other than Kindle, you can get the book directly from me. I'll provide .epub (for Nook, Kobo, and iBooks), .mobi for kindle readers, and .pdf for tablets, computers, and smartphones. None of the versions have digital rights management (DRM-free) so you'll be able to read them on whatever device you want. To get the books from me, use this link.

What if you already have read the book? Well, the free promotion is something that you should take advantage of, and by that I mean why not give the gift of Riyria to a friend? You can use this link, provide their email address, and I'll send them the ebook bundle. I'll even pass on that it came from you if you wish.

But if you want to get the ebook, you have to hurry. The promotion will end after November 16th, and the book will return to it's $9.99 regular price. I hope you do pick up a copy.

Digital Downloads...
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 11:04:48 PM

So you guys are getting your digital downloads, right?  For those who may not know how to receive them, you can find them in the Digital Downloads area of your BackerKit self-service portal. Yesterday I posted the additional screensavers/wallpapers from the dimensions submitted by people so you should have:

  • All the screen wavers & Wallpapers
  • The Jester Comic
  • The Jester Short Story
  • An ARC of the ebook (The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter) -- the final one (with the three typos corrected and all the names listed, will be posted after we go into lockdown.

For the remaining 61 people who have not filled out your need to do so before the 16th as I'll be locking down the records on the 17th and creating the final version of the book.

Lockdown Date is fast approaching - November 16th!
almost 7 years ago – Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 05:31:11 PM

Hey, all Robin again. So I have some updates for everyone.

  • The books are due to ship on December 8th, only 3 days longer than we had originally planned for. That should still put us pretty much on track for holiday delivery. Thanks to some eagle eyes by people looking at the pre-release ebook we were able to squash two typos in it (the third typo didn't exist in the printed copy), so thanks everyone for bringing those to our attention.
  • I received the T-shirt proof but there were some problems with the quantities, so I haven't approved it yet. Since I've not heard from the company, I'm going to assume their production department isn't open on the weekends. So we'll get that fixed on Monday and that should mean delivery of the shirts between 11/22 and 11/29. Having a few days to organize them before the books arrive will be a good thing.
  • The bookmarks have arrived and Michael will start signing them now, again in time for the books and shirts. 
  • The posters were printed for the last Kickstarter, so we're covered, except for the  tubes to ship them in...which I need a final count on. We'll get that count when the orders are locked down.

Which brings me to the main point of today's post...LOCKDOWN!

The last day to make final updates to your order is November 16th, as I'll be locking down and charging credit cards (for any add-ons people bought in Backer Kit) on the 17th.  After this date, you can't add or remove things from your cart, so make sure you make all your decisions (including holiday gift-giving), by then. You'll still be able to update your shipping address up until we lock addresses for shipping.

If you haven’t answered your survey yet (still waiting on 67 people), or haven't provided a credit card for your add-ons, your shipment may be delayed. Also, your name won't be included in the book so your record will be marked as "no I don't want to be recognized for being a backer."

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at this link.

Thank you all again for being so responsive to answering our BackerKit survey—even though it may not seem like much as an individual backer, you have no idea how tremendously helpful this has been for me when trying to keep track of all 2,079 of you!

Oh, and for those interested in such things.  We now are up to 2,328 people who have either participated in the Kickstarter, pre-orders through BackerKit, or pre-ordered from Michael's store. So, if you know someone who is bummed that they missed out, or a friend that you think might like Riyria, send them one of those links so they can join us. Total funds raised are $97,413 - which still blows my mind. Thanks agin for all the support. And please make sure to check your add-ons in your cart by the 16th as no changes will be made once I lock down on the 17th!

Thanks everyone for your support!